Wednesday, 22 April 2015

What is beyond the Internet of Things?

We live in a world where everything we say and do is defined and driven by technology. Our interactions and decisions are molded, but not limited to, the world wide web and web-enabled devices. 
The internet has irreversibly changed the way consumers associate with businesses and how these businesses engage consumers. Theses changes have been rapid due to the influence of a combination of social, mobile, web and cloud trends. We are now at the precipice of the next stage in this rapid evolution, The Internet of Everything, largely misunderstood as IoT.
Although more and more electronic devices are becoming internet-capable, they are still living in silos, unable to make meaningful communication with other devices. these devices utilise the web connectivity between devices to perform functions which initially were not possible. However, majority of these devices cannot communicate amongst themselves. The IoE proposes to eliminate these differences and establish global and continuous connectivity between all devices. 
According to Cisco, IoE brings together people (humans), process (manages the way people, data, and things work together), data (rich information), and things (inanimate objects and devices) to make networked connections more relevant and valuable than ever before. IoE is the smart connection between people, data, processes and things. It allows devices to communicate with each other and transmit data, thereby allowing the devices to learn and adapt according to our mannerisms. 

Put simply, the IoT is made of billions of connected objects. However, the IoE is the smart network, which is required to support and transmit all the data that is generated between these interconnected devices.

The IoE will connect these people, not just to the internet but with each other. The Internet of Everything will not differentiate between humans and devices, but view us as a single homogenous entity of data. All devices connected via the Internet of Everything will generate data, this data would have to be handled effectively. And in a world where data is money Cisco has estimated that the true value of the Internet of Everything in monetary terms exceeds $ 19 trillion.
For example, in IoT smart thermostats like ‘nest‘ use sensors that take real-time weather forecasts and monitor the real-time activity in your house to automatically control the temperature and minimize your electrical consumption. In IoE  the ‘nest’ thermostat will be linked to our mobile phones, the mobile phone will send a signal to the thermostat sometime before we arrive home, thereby allowing the thermostat to pre-cool the room. The thermostat will give a signal to the coffee-maker to start preparing coffee. This level of interconnectivity and intelligence is what the IoE concept proposes.

by Pedro Henrique Braz Colen

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