Thursday, 30 April 2015

autonomous extraction system for cars

An Autonomous Multi-Robot System for Vehicle Extraction and Transportation is the result of the AVERT project research resulting from a collaboration between researchers from Greece, Germany, Switzerland and the UK. the idea behind this is that the current solutions for car removals within confined spaces like indoor parking lots where space is at a premium and there is no room for maneuvering towing trucks or equipment they have come up with a solution to remove cars in confined spaces safely, swiftly and in any direction to a safer disposal point. this technology also could be used in bomb disposal by providing a faster and safer removal capability of suspect cars compared to manual methods currently available.

how it works: the deployment unit as seen above is used to transport the bogie units to the operating point, when the bogies are released the deployment unit then starts to map out the area using on board sensors which include two SICK laser sensors, a Pan tilt Unit(PTU) and a digital camera.the bogie subsystem includes the sensors and actuators which provide the mobile docking and vehicle lifting mechanism for each of the four wheels. the bogie units have intercommunication which enables them to operate as a coordinated group of robots in synchronism  when lifting and extracting the vehicle.

 by David Walsh

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