Friday, 17 April 2015

Ara Project and Phonebloks

We are already living in a new generation of communication and electronic devices. At the beginning of the new millennium -just 15 years ago- it could be impossible to think about the technologies that we can enjoy nowadays, so it is difficult now to think on the projects to come in the next decade. Although we can have some ideas about what is going on and what could be done in a short period of time ahead. This project is a powerful example of how is to work in world ruled by the globalization and the massive communication. The Ara Project is being developed by different companies in different parts of the world. And also it is meant to make the user an active part of the design of what right now is an essential device  for everyone; our mobile phones. [Even though they do not look -or are not used- just as mobile phones any more]

Following the idea of creating our own, unique and customize piece of hardware to work with -as it has been possible to do with our PC (personal computers) since the 80's- some companies got together to develop the first "modular mobile phone". Google and Motorola have been working together on that idea for the last 4 years. But it was not a real project until September 2013, when the Dutch designer Dave Hakkens announced the "Phonebloks". Both ways made an deal and started working together on a global project led by Paul Eremenko that this year is starting to show its first results.

First video-explanation by Dave Hakkens

Simple things as LEGO constructions were used as inspiration for what Eremenko defines as "...our attempt to create the hardware equivalent of the Android app ecosystem to really lower entry barriers for developers to create new functionality and introduce new technologies into the mobile space." [Read full interview] In other words, the project is looking for a democratized phone hardware ecosystem, in order to make the technology more accessible to billions of people. Also, they are developing a new generation of 3Dprinters to allow the users to customize their own modules.  

Brief explanation of Project Ara

June 2014 was the date for the first public presentation of the project. They showed the first Demo prototype that turned into a success, even though it didn't work as it was expected [See full VIDEO]. The next important event came at the beginning of this year with the demostration of the Spiral 2 ARA Phone [See full VIDEO]. The result now looks more professional and closer to its final appearance.

Despite all these ideas look really innovative and probably a great way to create a new mark in a short-term, it is possible to think we are missing something. Who would people react in front of this possibility? Would the customers be actually interested on this kind of technologies? That could be a good topic of conversation. The following link shows an opinion against this project, that can also be interesting. [Project Ara and Phonebloks are destined for the modular trashcan]

Phonebloks website:
Project Ara website:
Wikipedia link:
More links:

by Carlos Durango - 2015

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